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ESS Founder Embarks on Fellowship to Champion ADR Inclusivity!

We at ESS Creative and Legal Foundation are announcing that our founder, Erick Mukiza, has been selected for a prestigious five-week Professional Fellows Program on Inclusive Civic Engagement in the US!

Championing Inclusion Through ADR

Erick, a dedicated mediator expert for disability inclusion in Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), will be participating in this intensive program from May to June 2024. Sponsored by the American Government, this Fellowship empowers leaders to make a difference in the disability inclusivity space.

Why ADR Matters for People with Disabilities

Traditional court litigation can be a lengthy and costly process, often posing significant challenges for individuals with disabilities seeking legal recourse. ADR offers a compelling alternative. It's a more efficient and cost-effective method that fosters collaboration between parties, leading to quicker resolutions.

The Power of Partnership

During his Fellowship, Erick will be hosted by the esteemed American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD). This collaboration will equip him with the tools and knowledge to:

  • Deepen his expertise in using ADR to empower people with disabilities.

  • Develop strategies to raise awareness of ADR within the disability community, with a particular focus on women with hearing impairments.

  • Advocate for systemic change by creating accessible informational materials and sharing powerful stories of successful ADR use cases.

Erick's passion, expertise, and this Fellowship opportunity make him a force for positive change. We at ESS are incredibly proud of him and eagerly anticipate the impactful outcomes of his work.

Stay tuned for further updates on Erick's journey and how you can be a part of this exciting movement towards a more inclusive and accessible legal system!

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